Nominating Committee

Committee Roster

The Nominating Committee shall provide a uniform and organized means of nominating and electing persons to positions within the Society. The Nominating Committee shall develop and follow procedures to avoid conflicts of interest, to provide the membership with a choice of candidates, and to encourage diversity of membership on the Council and Nominating and Meritorious Awards Committees in accordance with the Operating Procedures of the Society.

The voting members of the Nominating Committee shall be the Immediate Past President as Chair and six members who shall be elected by the regular membership. The Executive Officer may be asked by the Chair to assist the Committee in its deliberations but shall have no vote. Nominations for membership on the Nominating Committee shall be solicited from regular and emeritus members in good standing. Each elected member shall serve a term of three years; two members shall be elected each year so that terms of the elected members are staggered. The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of a cross-section of members. Not counting the Chair, no institution shall be represented by more than one elected member and no Officer of the Council may simultaneously serve on the Nominating Committee. Elected members of the Nominating Committee shall be ineligible for consecutive three-year terms. In the event that a person is unable to complete a term for any reason, the Nominating Committee shall determine the method to fill the unexpired term.


William B. Coleman, PhD
(240) 283-9712