Finance and Audit Committee

Committee Roster

The Finance and Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the Society, including recommending the Society operating budget and financial policies for approval by the Council. The Finance and Audit Committee selects an audit firm to conduct periodic audits of the Society’s finances, to interface with the audit firm regarding the audit and all findings/concerns and communicating the results of audits to the Council. The Finance and Audit Committee shall be comprised of the Secretary-Treasurer as Chair, the President (ex officio and voting), the Executive Officer (ex officio and non-voting), and other voting and non-voting members recommended by the President and approved by the Council for one-year terms. Given that most of the members of the Finance and Audit Committee will be taken from the sitting members of Council, at least one member will be drawn from the membership at-large.

Please direct all inquiries to:
William B. Coleman, PhD