Creating Opportunities for ASIP Members – The Impact of Year-end Giving or Giving Any Time of Year

W.B. Coleman, PhD – ASIP Executive Officer

Each year, the ASIP provides numerous opportunities for its members through various programs and events. These opportunities add value to ASIP membership, especially for our young investigators, including junior faculty members, trainees (undergraduates, predoctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, etc), and others (including more senior members in some cases). Some of our awards and programs were established with generous gifts from members of the Society – these funds are invested to ensure growth over time with the goal of sustaining these awards and programs far into the future. Other programs are funded by the ASIP Council. 

As we look to expand and sustain awards and programs into the future, we encourage our members to consider giving a donation to the Society, either as a general (undesignated) donation or directed to one or more of our established funds. At the end of each year, many of us receive solicitations for donations to our favorite organizations. Year-end is a good time to give for the benefit to tax deductions for charitable giving. Donations to the ASIP qualify since we are a 501(c)(3) organization. That said, members can donate to support specific awards or programs anytime of year. For instance, donations to Scholar Award funds (described below) will benefit awards for the Pathobiology 2025 meeting as long as they are received by April 2025. 

As 2024 comes to an end, we hope you will consider a donation – large or small – to one of our awards or programs. A description of these opportunities is provided below and questions about these can be directed to

Trainee Scholar Awards
Trainees compete for Scholar Awards each year based upon abstracts submitted to the Annual Meeting. Abstracts are scored for experimental design, clearly presented results, and overall impact of the topic under investigation. In a typical year, we might receive 60-70 applications and 30-35 awards will be given (reflecting awards to undergraduates, predoctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows). Scholar Award funds are used by recipients to partially defray the cost for travel and attendance of the Annual Meeting. As you can see from the list below, many of these awards are directed to trainees working in specific fields of research. The number of awards given in any particular year directly depends upon the available funds. Hence, donations to the Trainee Scholar Awards program will enable us to expand this program to include additional awardees with strong research achievements.

A.D. Sobel Trainee Scholar Award Fund

GALL Trainee Scholar Award Fund for Excellence in Cardiovascular Research

Gotlieb Family Fund for Undergraduate Education in Pathobiology

Marion and Lawrence (Larry) Muller Memorial Trainee Scholar Award Fund for Excellence in Inflammation    Research

Marion and Lawrence (Larry) Muller Memorial Trainee Scholar Award Fund for Excellence      in Neurodegenerative Research

Monga Family Trainee Scholar Award for Excellence in Cardiovascular Research

Monga Family Trainee Scholar Award for Excellence in Liver Pathobiology Research

Monga Family Trainee Scholar Award for Excellence in Neoplasia Research

Junior Faculty Scholar Awards
Assistant professors (and others at equivalent rank) compete for Junior Faculty Scholar Awards and the funding provided to awardees partially defray the cost for travel and attendance of the Annual Meeting. This mechanism ensures that young investigators can attend the Annual Meeting to interface with Society leadership and colleagues in the larger field of pathobiology research. The number of awards given in any particular year directly depends upon the available funds. Hence, donations to the Junior Faculty Scholar Awards program will enable us to expand this program to include additional awardees with strong research achievements.

George K. Michalopoulos Junior Faculty Scholar Award Fund

Dani and Erik Zander Junior Faculty Scholar Award Fund

Monga Family Junior Faculty Scholar Award Fund

Fred Sanfilippo-ASIP Visiting Lectureship Program
The Fred Sanfilippo-ASIP Visiting Lectureship Program provides funding for ASIP members who are in the early stages of their academic careers to travel and visit other departments/institutions to give one or more research presentations as a distinguished visiting lecturer. The primary goal of this program is to provde exposure of promising young faculty to members of the larger pathobiology research community, increasing their national recognition and reputation. Sanfilippo-ASIP Visiting Lecturers benefit from both the national exposure provided and interactions with faculty at the host institution which may result in new collaborations that will advance research endeavors at both institutions and may generate other beneficial long-term relationships such as distance mentoring within their chosen field of study.

Fred Sanfilippo-ASIP Visiting Lectureship Program

Summer Research Opportunity in Pathology Program (SROPP)
The Summer Research Opportunity in Pathology Program is held annually during the summer months. The major objective of the SROPP is to provide meaningful biomedical research experiences to undergraduate students that are considering careers in research. Undergraduates spend 10 weeks doing research in the laboratory of an ASIP member. This program provides high impact for the undergraduate student researchers, as well as the host laboratories, most of which are those of young investigators.

Summer Research Opportunity in Pathology Program

Pathology Leadership Fund
The Pathology Leadership Fund provides a mechanism to receive undesignated donations to the ASIP. Donations that are received by the Pathology Leadership Fund are directed to various specific awards and programs as needed. 

Pathology Leadership Fund