Discounts for AJP Authors

Discounts for AJP Authors........Reduced fees for Members!

Authors will be charged $195 per page; ASIP Regular Members will pay only $99 per page. These fees are regardless of color or supplemental data inclusion, both of which are now free.

To maintain uniformity in presentation within an article and throughout an issue, color will be limited to scientifically necessary usage, with a preference for black/white/gray fill in bar graphs. However, we encourage the use of color in schematic and model illustrations.

ASIP Regular Members can also take advantage of discounted Open Access fees.  The member rate for Open Access is $2,240 compared to the non-member rate of $2,800. This benefit does not apply Next-Generation Scientist, Trainee, Associate or Emeritus members, nor does it apply to manuscripts published in JMD.


Complete Information for Authors