Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells

Welcome to the Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells Scientific Interest Group of the American Society for Investigative Pathology. Our goal is to bring together scientists in the fields of Biology and Engineering to advance our understanding of biomed-engineering with the objective of enabling the development of new treatments that will lessen the burden of disease.

The objectives of this Scientific Interest Group are:

  1. To engage biologists, bio-engineers and material scientists in discussion on advances in all fields of regenerative medicine, including (but not limited to) stem cell biology, material science, mechanical engineering, fluid-dynamics, and vascular biology.
  2. To promote cutting-edge and relevant research in both the cellular- and bio-medical engineering fields.
  3. To provide a platform for dialogue, collaborations, and networking opportunities among interested researchers with common interests in regenerative medicine for senior and junior faculty and trainees alike.
  4. To foster the facilitation and dissemination of scientific information through publications and sponsored meetings.

The Regenerative Medicine SIG will:

  • Help plan scientific sessions at the ASIP Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology
  • Help plan stand-alone scientific meetings related to regenerative medicine and stem cell biology
  • Have a dedicated listserv (e-community) to facilitate communication among the members
  • Develop a webpage to serve as a hub for SIG information

Regenerative Medicine is an up and coming new field that is rapidly moving forward with new models and scientific breakthroughs being reported almost on a weekly basis. It is our hope that this SIG can act as a bridge to the other society participants of the Experimental Biology meeting and encourage cross-society programming.


ASIP Members are invited to participate in the Regenerative Medicine SIG Listserv. Please email to have your name and email address added to the listserv.

To send a message to the Regenerative Medicine SIG Listserv, send your email to Please note that you must be a member of this listserv in order to send and receive messages.

Please direct all questions to: Lisa McFadden (240) 283-9712.


Andrew Duncan, PhD

Andrew Duncan, PhD
University of Pittsburgh


Bryon Petersen

Bryon Petersen, PhD
University of Florida