The Pulmonary Pathobiology Scientific Interest Group (SIG) is a meeting ground for researchers interested in promoting the study of the pathogenesis of lung cancers and non-neoplastic lung diseases. Topics of interest among our members include:
The Pulmonary Pathobiology SIG is interested in organizing programs for future scientific meetings and will try to encourage exchange of information among members interested in these topics. We would also like to provide networking and collaborative opportunities for experimental pulmonary pathologists. Please contact Dani Zander if you have suggestions. We would appreciate your input.
ASIP Members are invited to participate in the Pulmonary Pathobiology SIG Listserv. Please email to have your name and email address added to the listserv.
To send a message to the Pulmonary Pathobiology SIG Listserv, send your email to Please note that you must be a member of this listserv in order to send and receive messages.
Please direct all questions to: Lisa McFadden (240) 283-9712.