Pathology in Biotech and Industry

Pathology in Biotech and Industry is a community within the membership of the American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP) focused on investigative pathology in industry.  Through SIG-sponsored scientific sessions, panelist events, virtual webinars, and social events, this SIG fosters engagement in the science and focus on issues facing pathologists, scientists, technicians, and those in training who are working in or considering working in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries.  Our two-fold mission includes: 1) providing a forum for showcasing new and developing scientific findings, methods, technologies, and tools from the worlds of biotechnology and drug development, and 2) establishing an industry-focused interactive community for networking, dialogue, collaboration, and the advancement of pathology careers in biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry.

Pathology in Biotech and Industry is co-chaired by - Dr. Cary D. Austin (Genentech Research Pathology) and Dr. Sripad Ram (Pfizer Drug-Safety Research and Development).

ASIP members from any membership category (Regular, Next-Gen, Trainee, etc.) who are involved in the biotechnology & pharmaceutical industries or those interested in opportunities in industry are eligible for membership and encouraged to join.  If you are a current ASIP member and would like to join, please email Lisa McFadden ( Otherwise, you can elect to join Pathology in Biotech and Industry when you renew your membership.


ASIP Members are invited to participate in the Pathology in Biotech and Industry SIG Listserv. Please email to have your name and email address added to the listserv.

To send a message to the Pathology in Biotech and Industry SIG Listserv, send your email to Please note that you must be a member of this listserv to send and receive messages.

Please direct all questions to: Lisa McFadden (240) 283-9712.


Cary Austin

Cary Austin, MD, PhD


Sripad Ram

Sripad Ram, PhD
Pfizer, Inc.