Welcome to the Infectious Disease Scientific Interest Group (SIG). The mission of this SIG is to further our understanding of multiple infectious diseases from the perspective of both the host and the pathogen. Infectious diseases can affect all organs of the body and include prokaryotic and eukaryote pathogens, viruses, as well as complex dsybiotic communities. By facilitating the communication of researchers across several fields, we hope to paint a better picture of what factors contribute to the disease pathogenesis. We aim to build a community of microbiologists, virologists, parasitologists, mycologists, immunologists, pathologists, and physiologists to share their ideas and findings in an environment conducive to collaboration and discussion.
The objectives of the Infectious Disease SIG are:
ASIP Members are invited to participate in the Infectious Disease Scientific Interest SIG Listserv. Please email membership@asip.org to have your name and email address added to the listserv.
To send a message to the Infectious Disease SIG Listserv, send your message to asipinfection@asip.memberclicks.net. Please note that you must be a member of this listserv in order to send and receive messages.