Past Awards

The following awards are no longer active or accepting applications.


Rojkind-Monga - ASIP Trainee Travel Award

The Rojkind-Monga - ASIP Trainee Travel Award for Excellence in Liver Pathobiology Research supported travel to the ASIP Annual Meeting of an ASIP trainee member who submits an abstract that includes data relevant toexperimental studies in liver pathobiology.

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Hans-Monga - ASIP Trainee Travel Award

The Hans-Monga - ASIP Trainee Travel Award for Excellence in Cardiovascular Research supported travel to the ASIP Annual Meeting of an ASIP trainee member who submited an abstract to an ASIP topic category that includes data relevant to experimental studies in cardiovascular pathobiology.

The Hans-Monga - ASIP Trainee Travel Award for Excellence in Neoplasia Research supported travel to the ASIP Annual Meeting of an ASIP trainee member who submited an abstract to an ASIP topic category that includes data relevant to experimental studies in neoplasia.

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Chugai Mentoring Award

The ASIP Chugai Mentoring Award, generously funded by Chugai Pharma USA, LLC from 2000 to 2008 recognized senior investigators that had distinguished their careers with a dedication to mentoring and education

The ASIP Robbins Distinguished Educator Award replaced the Chugai Mentoring Award in 2009.


SIPMeT Young Investigator

To promote the entry of young scientists into the mainstream of the basic science community and to encourage the participation of young investigative pathologists in the ASIP Annual Meeting, the Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT)offered a limited number of Young Investigator Awards of $(Euro)600 to offset travel expenses for SIPMeT members to attend the Experimental Biology Meeting.

The ASIP Program Committee selected the recipients based on excellence of the scientific abstracts. Abstracts were selected for presentation in either poster sessions or in minisymposia. These abstracts were submitted to ASIP topic categories. Members of the SIPMeT who are age 40 years or younger and who submit an abstract to the meeting were eligible to apply for the SIPMeT Young Investigator Award.

Click here to view past awardees.


ASIP Promoting Diversity in Science Travel Award

To promote the entry of under-represented scientists into the basic/translational/clinical science community, the American Society for Investigative Pathology (ASIP) provided Promoting Diversity in Science ASIP Trainee Travel Awards. These awards honored excellence in biomedical research focused on understanding mechanisms and classification of disease and provide stipends ranging from $250 to $750 to ASIP Trainee members (undergraduate students, pre-doctoral candidates, post-doctoral fellows, senior post-doctoral fellows) to encourage participation in ASIP scientific meetings and conferences.

Click here to view past awardees.


FASEB MARC Under-represented Group (URG) Trainee Travel Award

From 2008 - 2016, the FASEB Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program provided ASIP with funding to promote the entry of under-represented URG scientists and URG-serving institutions into the mainstream of the basic science community and to encourage the participation of young investigative pathologists in ASIP Meetings.

NOTE: This award is no longer active, and was replaced in 2016 with the ASIP Promoting Diversity in Science Award.

The ASIP URG Trainee Travel Awards were funded by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health [FASEB MARC Program: T36-GM08059].

Under-Represented Groups (URG) Trainee Travel Awards to Attend the ASIP Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology
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Under-Represented Groups (URG) Trainee Travel Awards to Attend the Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale (SIPMeT) National Congress
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Under-Represented Groups (URG) Trainee Travel Awards to Attend the Società Italiana di Patologia e Medicina Traslazionale SIPMeT/ASIP Young Scientists Meeting
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Under-Represented Groups (URG) Trainee Travel Awards to Attend the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) Annual Meeting
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