Virtual Events
Let’s Play, Experimental Pathologists!
We are adding a bit of competition to the 2024 Young Investigator Series by adding a point system to our 10 events in which participants will be rewarded with awesome prizes.
The Rules:
- Register for the webinar (5 points)
- First person to register (5 points)
- Bring a friend (10 points)
In the zoom registration, ask your friend to input your name so you get credit
- Attend the entire webinar (5 points)
No leaving early!
- Ask a question during the webinar (10 points)
Use the hand-raise feature or type in the chat
- Present a seminar (20 points)
- Moderate a seminar (20 points)
- Follow ASIP on social and promote webinar (10 points)
Must be a repost or retweet with your own caption on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter
- Answer trivia question at end of seminar (15 points)
Points will be tallied each month. Prizes will be given each quarter (Q1: highest points from January, February, and March; Q2: highest points from May and June; Q3: highest points from July, August, and September; Q4: highest points from October and November; Overall 2024: highest points from all year).
Upcoming Meetings
Check back soon for 2025 meetings!
Upcoming Webinars
Check back soon for upcoming webinars!
Behind Our Science Podcast